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Picking a good sports logo can be a tough decision if you have no designing experience, but I think if you follow these simple rules, I think it will make the process easier.

  1. Remember to keep it simple, so often we a tendency to make things more complicated than have to be. When it comes to graphic design, a good designer usually likes to keep it simple.  Some of the best design is simple. Golden Arches= McDonald’s, but very simple- Nikey swoose logo very simple. A logo should be a design that is to be remembered, if it is to complex, it will be hard to remember.
  2. This one may be obvious, but you would be surprised at how many do not follow this. When it comes to color, use the color of the team in the design, or school colors if it’s a school team. If the school has a mascot or design, make sure to have it incorporated in the design or even use as the logo.
  3. I think showing the design or designs, to the team, and a number of people will help in picking a good design. So often we have a picture in our mind of what we want, and it may not be a good design. What you are hoping for is to have a logo that will be remembered by a mass amount of people, so showing it to a number of people, and being open to what they think will help to pick a good design. Try not to be so stuck on your bais of a design.

I hope these few simple steps will help in picking a great design for your team. Remeber that a logo for a sports team is something that will probably be around for a long time after you and your team are gone. So picking something that looks great will be represented by the future teams that bear the logo name. So picking a smart logo design, that people remember, that stay with the team, and you being apart of the decision process, gives a good sense of accomplishment. And remember we are here to help you.


Frank Stephens

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